Raid My Minibar: Don't get laid. Get Raid.

SQS #072
Sunday, January 10, 2010

The first SQS of the year! How about we start the new year with some love instead of lust for once?

This week's SQS feature is...

(from Super Junior)

I mean, LOOK AT THAT. Those pictures are so cute it made me squeal. Like seriously, HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LOVE THEM BEING ALL MUSHY AND GOOEY LIKE THAT. *kidnaps them*

They're so seriously in love. Look around on Youtube, you'd be surprised.

See that first picture? It was taken during a performance of Super Junior's "Marry U", and Siwon went up to hug Hankyung during Hankyung's "I do" line. SQUEE SQUEE SQUEE.

*flails at all the cuteness and romance*

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