That was probably the hottest 40-ish seconds of your week. Have fun.
[Side note]
I find it mildly ironic that in the 2 years that I went ALL OUT for AAA, they were disappointing, disappointing and more disappointing.
And then once I've given up on them, they release a single with decent sales (Break Down with 49k+ sold), Urata comes out with decent hair (finally), they released an Uchiwa at a-nation '09 (something I've ALWAYS wanted as an AAA good) and they release a calendar that is bright and colorful (which you guys should know by now that I LOVE) which has this page in it:
Also, AAA has miraculously managed to appear on an upcoming episode of Music Station, something I was convinced would never happen in my lifetime.
Needless to say, I am quite convinced that someone in Avex is reading my blog and hates my guts. Well, SCREW YOU AVEX. You can kiss my AAASS.