Raid My Minibar: Don't get laid. Get Raid.

SQS #010
Sunday, October 26, 2008

First off...

Thank you for 70 subscribers!

I'm sure all 72 of you are clever funny people. Who are just a little crazy for reading my nonsensical blog. xD Next target, 100 subscribers!

Do [subscribe] if you have not already!

So for number 10, we have...

Mukai Osamu!

And he's in pink! And cooking! And looking happy! This is such the cutest photoshoot ever. Why can't the AAA boys cook too? D:

And ZOMGAH it's so sad that he's not going to wear GLASSES in SCRAP TEACHER! HE LOOKS SO ADORABLE IN THEM D:

ASDFGHJKL::". *dies*

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