Raid My Minibar: Don't get laid. Get Raid.

Q4R #024: Questions I don't understand.
Friday, November 13, 2009

So I'm still around.

There's been a lot of shocking things that have happened in my life that have affected me somewhat (you would know if you followed me on Twitter) so please forgive me if I'm not inclined to blog as of late.

Anyways, from time to time, I receive strange questions that I really really don't understand. That makes me suspect that my readers are on crack. Which would explain why you guys read my blog.

So here are some questions that really make me go "WTF" but I'll still answer them anyways because I love you guys so. :D
  • feelings on cheese? ._.

What I don't get about this question is how it affects you after knowing my opinion on cheese. I mean, so what if I hate it? So what if I love it? So what if the stringy-ness of hot cheese reminds me of some other substance? So what if I want to take a piece of swiss cheese and stick my dick in it?

Which I don't by the way. *coughs*

So anyways, yes I love cheese. Cheese when added to virtually any western food instantly makes those food so so so much better. I hope you'll sleep better with that knowledge.
  • nich khun is the best thog that ever happened :D. what race is he

Firstly, "thog"?

And secondly, since when did my blog become a game show? If you need answers to these kinds of questions, shouldn't you be going to wikipedia instead of having to wait months for my very sarcastic answer?

I mean, the internet is there for a reason after all right? Other than porn? And shipping women from third-world countries to be our brides?

*coughs even harder*

So the answer is Thai. He's Thai, or so I'm inclined to think. Did I get it right? Did I win some money?
  • RAID. its monday night, and i keep thinking tomorrows saturday. what is wrong with me? HUH.
And now we get the strange psychiatric-help kinds of questions. I honestly prefer receiving these kinds of questions because I get to give warped answers and screw up someone's life indefinitely. *cue evil laugh*

Well my dear (since psychiatrists use "my dear" a lot right? Or am I just being creepy?), it seems like you hate whatever you're doing in your life right now so your body subconsciously conditions you to think that you're further along in the week than you really are.

What you should do is sell all your belongings, and travel the world as a busker. You will lose track of time and therefore this problem won't be a problem that you can envision anymore.

Oh and donate half of your monies to me. Since, you know, I changed your life for the better and all.
  • Why do you Jin and Kame from KAT-TUN

Because you and me and they. You know?
  • Hi raid,
    Do you think avex should make Misako should step back and let chiaki sings female lead in AAA? I'm sick of Misako's cheap dresses!!

See, here's the strange thing. If Misako were to step back and let Chiaki take the lead, then it should be because her voice isn't good enough right?

Well apparently, cheap dresses are a bigger consideration than voices. So yes why not. Misako steps back and lets Chiaki with the slightly better dresses sing and ruin the group even more with her really raw vocals. I'm sure that's going to help.

... If that's how you people talk about your fetishes these days, then please leave me out of it. Kthxbai.

And as usual, please leave me loads of inappropriate questions about my personal life. You know you want to. :D

No I'm kidding. You do know that right?

Click on the button below!

Also, I was thinking of opening a movie review blog. Would anyone read my movie reviews? Like Hollywood movies and the like? Let me know if you think it's a good idea in the comments. And give me some recommendations of romance comedies to watch! Though I'm quite sure I've watched them all.

And if it involves Matthew McConaughey, please don't bother. All his movies are really bad. *barfs*

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