Raid My Minibar: Don't get laid. Get Raid.

SQS #073 // Nominated for IW Awards 2009!
Sunday, January 17, 2010

So I'm nominated for this year's IWota awards in two strange categories. LOL.

I'm nominated for Best Single Entry for my fandom post (which I really don't understand) and for Best Miscellaneous Blog.

From the looks of it, this means I won't win any awards this year since the other blogs I'm competing against are so much more popular with the IW audience. Haha!

I think my chances of winning are low because in the Best Single Entry category, a post which I didn't really care about got nominated and is pitted against Ray (from American Wota, founder of IWota, now running Dolorous Haze) and an entry from appears which has 46(!) comments.

I only have 10 comments on that post (pouts). And I didn't start a blog tracker that changed the lives of Jpop fans everywhere. So yes, don't see myself winning there.

For Best Miscellaneous blog? Well, if it's any indication, I wasn't nominated for Best Established blog. However, two of my fellow nominees WERE nominated for Best Established blog (Pengie from unchained, Vee from Pink Wota). I kind of feel like I'm just there to fill up the numbers. Pengie will win, trust me.

But please, if I've made you laugh, made your day better or answered one of your insane questions last year, then please consider voting for me. You need to sign up as a member in IWota with a valid email address to be able to vote, and you have to vote for all categories (yes, even those that I'm not nominated in, tiring I know xD). Voting closes on January 29th so please go vote for me! Let's make it more difficult for the judges to tally the votes at least!

You may cast your votes here!

But yeah, I'd totally understand if I don't win. LOL.

Anyways! This week's SQS feature is split into two parts! This week's SQS feature is...

Marco for Emporio Armani!

Some really dumb model (or so it seems) that was previously on We Got Married. He's hot though, so I guess God is fair after all.

(Thanks to yingzhonghu for the pictures!)


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