Raid My Minibar: Don't get laid. Get Raid.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

And I'm not kidding when I say that.

Well first of all, MY MAIL CAME! *swoons* It came from a very special friend (*wink wink*) and look at the crazy amount of things this friend got for me WOOT.

It contains a used 5th ATTACK ticket (yeah yeah, but it's still very pretty ok), one AROUND flyer from some radio show, one unofficial Urata photo (OMGAH CUTE), one unoffical Shuta photo (..... heh, he's interesting I suppose) and one Ohno photo which you can't see due to the reflection.

Also, it contains the elusive BEATFREAK magazine which the Kinokuniya lady always reminds me with a stern face "We don't carry this magazine". I dislike that lady, tsk. Anyways, in the magazine was loads of avex artistes, and of course the cover girl Otsuka Ai.

And then there were these LOVELY AAA POSTCARDS WHICH HAVE ARRIVED MORE THAN A MONTH AFTER THE CONCERT ROFL. They're still very very nice though, and I'm so glad to have gotten them. =D

Last but not the least, MY ORDER ARRIVED TOO. At least HMV is faster than Yesasia some websites. Pictured above are NEWS' weeeek, Tegomasu's Kiss Kaerimichi no Rabu Song and Kobukuro's Aoku Yasashiku, all of them being Limited editions.

I was especially happy to have managed to snag a copy of KKnRS cos it was SOLD OUT everywhere and I just happened to spot a copy lingering on HMV's website after one of their stock-check days (on which some Limited edition items just LOVE to pop out). It was the one and only left so I was SUPER LUCKY. YAY!

I'll post screencaps for the KKnRS and Aoku Yasashiku DVDs from the next post onwards, so that at least I don't have to keep looking for things to blog about. xD

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