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Haromoni@ 9th December 2007: Wii Fit
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This episode of Haromoni@ continues from last week's Wii fit segment, as well as the Guro-san segment. While it's not one of the most entertaining episodes (nothing can beat helium I'm telling you), it's still pretty enjoyable in its own way. In this post, I will only cover the Wii Fit segment, and leave the Guro segment for the next post. (I'm not going to blog about that biking segment with the girls screaming like no tomorrow.)

[Wii Fit]

If you've watched last week's segment, you would know that Sayumi and Kamei are already eliminated from the running to be "Balance Queen" (we all know it's silly, stop giggling).

Sayumi got eliminated purely from lack of skill. Kamei got eliminated from pure silliness. Kamei seems to think her "MIKAN!" move was going to help her win, which you would know if you watched, didn't.

This week's episode continues with Takahashi VS Reina. Their challenge was fairly simple (and nothing entertaining to watch really). Basically, they had to control a ball using their body weight into a hole.

Reina takes this challenge a wee bit too seriously, while Ai-chan looks awkwardly cute trying to get the ball faster than the mighty-concentrated Reina. No prizes for guessing who wins in the end - Reina moves on with sheer determination, and tears in her eyes for concentrating too hard (and not blinking much obviously).

The next challenge is far more entertaining, as it decides the loser (the most unbalanced queen?). Needless to say, the two Musumes up for this challenge are Kamei and Sayumi.

Their challenge seems to be more fun than the previous one. Turning the board clockwise such that it is vertically aligned with the television, it allows the player to control their character on the screen just like you would on a snowboard. That's right, the next challenge is snowboarding. Players have to snowboard down and hill and the first one to the finish line wins. Simple enough isn't it?

It looks as if Sayumi is about to fall off the board while she was playing, but she did not in the end. Kamei however, just looks helplessly at the screen and it seems that no matter what she does, she can't seem to get the hang of it. Sayumi wins the challenge (none too quickly, but still a win nonetheless) and I guess it is safe for us to say that Kamei should never ever go near a snowboard ever. xD

Finally comes the challenge to determine our Balance Queen and the challenge for this round is tightrope walking.

Reina takes her previous approach into this round, which results in her being too slow. Gaki forges on with a worried face (isn't that cute) and comes through to win the title of Balance Queen. Reina pouts about her loss. xD

Our newly crowned Balance Queen was given a treat, which was some hotpot that costs 12800 Yen. I think that's really just an overpriced hotpot. I mean, how can chicken cost so much? The restaurant is definitely trying to rip their customers off. Either that or the show's producers wanted to raise the price of the prize to make it seem more awesome. In any case, Gaki seems to love her treat, saying "Puri Puri!" with her mouth full to the camera. Utter cuteness.

Somehow seeing them play with the Wii Fit tempts me to go buy one to try it out for myself. However, the price tag is a bit (*coughs*) too hefty for a poor guy like me, so I guess I'll just have to settle with watching them. For now. xD


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