Raid My Minibar: Don't get laid. Get Raid.

Hirai says the darnedest things.
Friday, June 13, 2008

Ok, maybe not as crazy as Kuu going all woman-fluids on us (I'm never going to let this go it seems. xD), but still pretty wacky stuff.

The following conversation is taken from the March 14th 2008 episode of Music Station.

Notice how bored everybody is on Music Station. Tamori needs to freshen up his damn act already.

Tamori: Next up is Hirai Ken-kun, Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu. (Please take care of me.)
Hirai Ken: Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.
Dou: Today Hirai Ken will be singing for us a song from his hit album entitled “Shashin” (photograph), a song that was written in memory of his late father.
Tamori: Why use “Shashin” as a title?
Hirai ken: Well actually, my room has a family portrait, a family portrait taken when I was young. I’m a very light sleeper and I wake up very easily. Whenever I wake up, I feel kind of blue. One day, when I woke up, I saw the picture all blurry-eyed, and the song just - WAHH - floated into my head. So I used “Shashin” as the title.
Tamori: Ehhh. Where was the family portrait taken? Was it taken when you went to the beach?
Hirai Ken: Yes, it was just as it was written in the song. It was taken when I was about 5 years old with our family of 5 at a beach nearby our Miegen (I think) home. Every water… wrong wrong wrong, every year! Every year we would go there. At that time I only knew how to play with water.
Tamori: Ohh. How was your father like?
Hirai Ken: My father looked exactly like me!
Tamori: Really?
Hirai Ken: Yes. Everyone in the Hirai family except for my mom has this kind of face. And… So… My father’s fart is not ordinarily smelly.
Tamori: Ha ha!
Hirai Ken: He has the smelliest fart amongst all the people I knew in my life. But he’s a good person.

First off, it is still kind of weird that Tamori calls him Ken-kun. Eeeeesh.

And the fact that he had to point out everyone in his family EXCEPT his mom has his face was kind of hilarious. WE KNOW YOUR MOM DOESN'T LOOK LIKE YOU. God must hate her if she has that manly and scruffy a face.

(On a side note, god must REEALLY hate LISA then?)

And then comes the good part. FART? People ask you to talk about your dead father and all you could come up with is fart?!

Random guy in heaven: HAHAHA YOU HAVE SMELLY FART.
Hirai Ken father: Shut up. Your fart ain't exactly Chanel either. And your ex-wife looks exactly like me.

And he had to compare it with all the people in his life. So now we know, all of Ken's friends are not only gay, but they fart a lot too. Take it up the a** too much? Or too much suppressed (cough closeted cough) feelings?

There were other conversations in this episode too, but they were boring as hell. Mika Nakashima claims to have scared some people on the plane (what's new, with her dead sullen face, it's little wonder), while Yokoyama Yuu whines about how un-cool his groupmates are. (Uh, duh? You're in Kanjani 8 aren't you?)

Long weekend ahead, it's my birthday weekend! I have no idea what I'm going to do for my birthday, but French food sounds really good just about now.

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