NEWS X RUSS-K: Some random comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
As always, I have opinions on just about everything in the world.
[Yamapi]My dear Yamapi, people don't go surfing in long white pants, and certainly not in those sandals. Stop acting, we know you're trying.
[Shige]Not bad, a bit plain but I guess that's just who you are Kato-kun. What's the cup he's holding though? And is Japan THAT cold? Why do you need to wear scarves in the summer?
[Koyama]When I first saw this I thought "Hmmmmmm, this looks reeeeallly familiar".

Ah, that's it. Don't they look like they're from the same photoshoot? Who knew, UVERworld had some Russ-K in them too! I'm not liking Koyama's bright-red-signature-JE-tight-pants though. UVERworld 1, Koyama 0, the manly pants is the winner!
Easily my favorite of the lot. Hey, at least the guy is bright and cheery for summer alright? The other members of NEWS look like they promoting coffins with their sulky faces. Tsk. I like the simple bright colors. They match well and look fresh too.
[Tegoshi]Tegoshi, be a good boy and RETURN KATO HIS SCARF AND YAMAPI HIS SANDALS! Couldn't you come up with something original for yourself?
Now where have I seen THIS before....
Oh yes, that's where. xD Ryo is going to be acting as Peter's (Milo Ventimiglia) long-lost asian brother. He has really strong arms as a superpower. That and irresistable charm.
At least he shows off his arms...? Otherwise it is rather boring an outfit. I think KAT-TUN wore it last year. *shrugs* Too late Ryo!
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