Raid My Minibar: Don't get laid. Get Raid.

SQS #011
Monday, November 3, 2008

Posted a day late due to the anniversary post. Thanks for all the well wishes!

This week's SQS feature is....


There are like three different magazines showing off his shirtless self in Hawaii. JE is either out to make Tackey fans die of poverty (or nosebleed) or trying to let Tsubasa know that the higher-ups secretly hate him. xD

(And yes, the three images are from three DIFFERENT magazines. What a nice way to bleed fan money. D:)


I've prepared this well in advance, so as the weeks pass there has been YET another magazine showing off Tackey's body.

ASDFGHJKL;. The whole good morning thing makes me think of SEXSEXSEXWITHTSUBASAPLEASESEX breakfast. Yes, breakfast.

[Edit again]

Yet ANOTHER one that came out recently.

Takki is a whore. xD

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