Raid My Minibar: Don't get laid. Get Raid.

SQS #041
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Major apologies to Lauren, who has been nagging me to post some Ito Hideaki since like, last year. LOL.

See, here's what happened. It sounds UTTERLY ridiculous but I swear it's true. I THOUGHT Ito Hideaki was FUJIKI NAOHITO.

Don't even ask me how I made the connection. They don't look alike nor do they do the same things nor do their name even sound alike. I'm just that much fail at times. xD

So all of you have Lauren to thank for this week's SQS! :D

Here he is, Ito Hideaki in all his shirtless glory! :D (All clickable to an EVEN larger size!)

Oh god, this picture just kills me.

And other not so HQ pictures that are still worth posting.

(On a rather random side note, I typed "Ito Hideaki shirtless" in google to try to find more pictures of him and guess whose blog came up first? xD)

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